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Ratings and Reviews
"...I have been using PF and EXPO for a long while (1998 I think) and it remains a mainstay in my software arsenal. I began using it when I was self
employed to produce intelligent business forms. The ability to use a fully customizable form and make it data aware was not available anywhere at
that time to my knowledge. As the collection of runtime features expanded it even functioned as a sort of single entry accounting package..... (read
the original text here)
Frank Corcoran
Engineer, Embedded systems design
Richfield, NY
"PageFocus Pro is my right arm. I don't know what I'd do without it. Far easier to use than other such business programs (although a bit more initial
setup is required). As for Pagefocus Pro, I don't think there is anything I haven't used it for. Scale drafting, photo displays, text / photo combinations,
displays for government consideration, meeting and map reference, etc. The list is somewhat endless. Any job that requires a bit more than a word
processor is Pagefocus Pro's bread and butter. It is the sweetheart of simplicity. Put it on a desktop, a laptop, a pad, or whatever. A complete text/
sketch program to go. Add photos or documents with a scanner and add some text (with arrows and/or icons) and you have a home/business
presentation program. So many uses. Where do I stop. I've used it to make JPG's (graphics) for other programs. I think I can honestly say there isn't
anything we haven't used it for. Our imagination is the only obstacle."
B. Rathwell
"It is my favorite drawing program and I use it very often for schemes, sketches and various drawings in the field of mechanics. Since I need to mix
drawings and mathematical formulas (written using Mathtype) I appreciate especially the excellent import feature of WMF files using the clipboard."
"Thank you for your excellent program, Page Focus Draw. We use it in a psychology laboratory where we must make visual stimuli for our
experiments. My students are able to do advanced graphics work without training time. We find it much more effective than Illustrator. I have been
using Page Focus Draw for ten years and have found nothing to compete with it. "
"Wow, the new PageFocus Draw is really dramatically better. I really like all of the great examples and clip art. This is getting so good but still a very
unique program, not like other software. It is very useful and easy and quick"
J. Kroger
NMSU Psychology
"Today all of us have access to over 550 billion of documents on the Web. To exist we most manage concepts and ideas more than ever, this is our
true challenge. We all have the need to share and communicate ideas. PageFocus Pro will help you to make your ideas clear. PageFocus Pro is simply
very efficient. Leonardo da Vinci said “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”, he was right five centuries ago, he's still right today. Most of us don't
need to use heavy software. PageFocus Pro will be your daily Swiss knife to share your creative ideas."
P. Paradis
"I find PageFocus Draw to be an excellent program and good value. It has lots of versatility and it is easy to use. One can even copy a drawing and
paste it into a MS Word document."
D. Hoernschemeyer
We use PageFocus Pro to make quick work of our forms and has been used by our company for five years. With PageFocus, the process is
straightforward and easy to follow. The tools built in to this program make it easy for us to create fields that match up with the original form. The
company has a great support team that answers question timely and work with us if we ever have an issue. Highly recommend this program.
William B.