
Digital photo images are often large in size. If you use several photo images in a document, it will slow down the program's response. It is a good practice

to do a resample of the picture first to reduce the data size when using it in a document. A quick way to do resample is converting to Thumbnail. You can

use Resample to quickly resiz an image for email or uploading.

In PageFocus, drag to resize the image to a smaller picture won't reduce the data size as it still keeps the same number of pixels in size, just display

differently. Thus using Resize by percentage or dimension won't change the pixel size. Use Resample or Convert to Thumbnial if you want to quickly resize

an image pixel size. To see the image pixel size, double-click on an image or right-click on an image and select Properties to open the Image Properties

dialog box which will list Original size in pixels and Actual display size. To see the image's data size, select the image and click the Object/Base Properties

menu to list the Basic Object Properties.

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In PageFocus, use Resize by percentage or dimension or drag to resize

will only change the display size, but will keep the same 4320 x 3240

pixels size and 2.9 MB data size.

resize 50%

A quick way to do resample is converting to thumbnail. Right-click to select

Convert to Thumbnail to open Set Thumbnail Size dialog box. Set the image

size (the pixel width) and the border of the thumbnail. The image will be

reduced proportionally from 4320 x 3240 to 200x153 and the data size is

reduced to 58 KB.

Right-click to select Resample to open Resample dialog box. Enter the

Resample frequency. Select Resample every 2 pixels, The image pixel size

changes from 4320 x 3240 to 2160 x 1620 and the data size is reduced

from 3 MB to 367KB. Display option is Resize proportionally.

Select Resample every 8 pixels, The image size changes from 4320 x 3240 to

540 x 405 and the data size is reduced from 3 MB to 58KB. Display option is

Retain the original display size.

Resample by fixed pixel size

You can enter a specific pixel size by select Advanced button in the

Resample dialog box. Enter Resample to 800x600 and check Retain the

original display size. the image will resize to 800x600 and the data size is

reduced from 3M to 91 KB.

To Thumbnail

For comparison, you can also use Convert to Thumbnail to reduce the

pixel size to 800 x 600. However PageFocus store the converted

thumbnail file in .png format to retain higher image quality. Thus, will

have a larger data size. The total data size is reduced from 3M to 766KB.

Resample is saved in .jpg format which has a smaller data size. Thumbnail

is usually used to create a small thumbnail image, thus the data pixel size

is relatively small, but will have a higher image quality.


Convert to Thumbnail
